
Welcome to a great new year at school!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Tool #3

The photo of a sunflower at the end of the blog page is an original photo by AF-Photography. The photo of a windmill and the surrounding clouds is by By Lauryz (Laura Cortés). The two image generators/mashups i used were Image Chef and Big Huge Labs. I can easily imagine a few project in which I would have students connect their thoughts and research about Earth(science) including images they either download from the computer or take on their own and apply it what they envision the Earth to be like when they are in their 40's. I also envision a planetary science project complete with a mosaic image of planetary images with explainations as to what the pictures are, and what they mean. Also this is an opportunity to show off new skills with cameras, etc... see the photo by gadl (Alexandre Duret-Lutz).


11 Tools Project Manager said...

how do you think you will use the Flickr Creative Commons photos in your classroom?

Ms. Millett said...

There are so many ways in which you can go with this. One way in which I could use this is as a partial product for a project on what would you envision your world to look like 10 (20, 50) years from now...after viewing and discussing concepts on climate change (and alternative sources of energy).

Thanks for your comment!
Keep them comming!
