
Welcome to a great new year at school!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tool #10

So that's what all the fuss is about! I wondered why I don't see more children outside playing sports anymore. They're all busy playing with these great apps! I grew up in a time when children were expected to play outside and T.V. time was monitored. Now that I'm older, I guess I will have to self-monitor myself with my new iTouch! I've perused both lists- the top 50 Free Education Apps, and the Apps for the I-touch for SBISD-which were very helpful- along with the video by a young man named Travis -to start my list of apps that I'm going to investigate (i.e. "get") today. I can hardly wait to start using them. Since I will be teaching science & math, I've readily checked off Google.Earth App, all of NASA's apps (NASA, NASA Lunar Electric Rover, NASA 3D sun, Free Equation Genius (math equation solver), Math Drills Lite, and the list goes on.... I can easily see on our "GAme Day" utilizing the itouchs with Math Drills Lite (app) to warm up my players for an interclass and intraclass competition on math skills... I also see it a station tool to research evolution and associated concepts with the Dinosaurs: The American Museum of Natural History Collections Application.

You may want to view this video to preview before researching the Jurrasic Period.


1 comment:

The Thornwood Library said...

You have a definate knack for finding fantastic videos - that was hilarious! I know what you mean about the iTouches - they are loads of fun, but also educational. Have you seen the free Science apps called 101 Science, Science Quiz and Science Vision Learning? Check them out.
