
Welcome to a great new year at school!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tool #8

Both video clips are from You Tube. I have a real appreciation for the timing and arrangement of the items used in the films. And, 0f course, they have to do with science! The first clip show true, unadulerated theatrical performances by the individuals in the white coats. They convey their knowledge and love for chemistry and physics. The second video clip establishes the importance of parts making up the whole... each simple piece makes the complex piece work in complete harmony. Lastly, the music rocks, and I love diet coke, and mentos! But not necessarily together....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tool #9 C

Anyone else want to go to the Houston Aquarium?


Tool #9

Although it has only been less than 24 hours since I got back from vacation in Massachusetts, I still see the clammers of Ipswich, MA, dragging home their succulent morsels...I might be just a little plane-lagged, but if you squint, and say, "Clams in butter, oh my!" three times, you may just see them too...oh yes, you probably have to click on that link below too...Squint real hard now, or it won't work....


Final tool 11- Reflection

The real surprise about this entire "trip" is that I purchased an Ipod touch for myself. A phone that enabled me to call, text, and snap photos of friends and family was all I really needed in my previous life...But now, there is no turning back! Pandora's box is open and who knows where my experiences will lead. Learning is exciting and I intend to have that kind of excitement in (and out) of my classroom with my students. One of the best items I learned about were Google Docs. I have helped my former housemate in planning a 40th reunion with his East Boston mates and I just love these great apps for my iTouch! Obviously, my life will never be the same. Change is good. Personal growth is required. It really is just common sense, but I must admit, I have resisted even my own logic....In order to utilize these technology tools in the classroom effectively (and readily), I have to familiarize myself with them outside the classroom. I see a lot more technology projects that incorporate more than just Google searches and PowerPoint slideshows! I also see a lot of communication opening up between students of varying grades and quite possibly different schools. This makes me very happy.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tool #10

So that's what all the fuss is about! I wondered why I don't see more children outside playing sports anymore. They're all busy playing with these great apps! I grew up in a time when children were expected to play outside and T.V. time was monitored. Now that I'm older, I guess I will have to self-monitor myself with my new iTouch! I've perused both lists- the top 50 Free Education Apps, and the Apps for the I-touch for SBISD-which were very helpful- along with the video by a young man named Travis -to start my list of apps that I'm going to investigate (i.e. "get") today. I can hardly wait to start using them. Since I will be teaching science & math, I've readily checked off Google.Earth App, all of NASA's apps (NASA, NASA Lunar Electric Rover, NASA 3D sun, Free Equation Genius (math equation solver), Math Drills Lite, and the list goes on.... I can easily see on our "GAme Day" utilizing the itouchs with Math Drills Lite (app) to warm up my players for an interclass and intraclass competition on math skills... I also see it a station tool to research evolution and associated concepts with the Dinosaurs: The American Museum of Natural History Collections Application.

You may want to view this video to preview before researching the Jurrasic Period.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tool #6

If I understand it correctly, Wikis seem to be like Google Docs except instead of just having everyone going to a website to view a shared document to edit, Wikis seem to be more inclusive- than Google Docs.....I love the idea that you can share items with others and they can edit and have a running conversation with you-so that when you are forming your thoughts about a subject or concept it is always changing. I love the dynamic nature of it. I see that I can use this for group projects. Students will incorporate this technology piece to formulate their final project. Collaboration assists us in understanding others , concepts, and taking on new problems with confidence. I also see this as an formative assessment tool It can give the students and I an opportunity to continue conversations about a subject matter after starting the conversation in class. I can then see what the "sticking parts" are to basic concepts and help guide those who aren't getting it. It also will tell me who is getting it and assist me with grouping students as we uncover the concept.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tool #5- Plan it! Live It!

I've heard many beautiful statements about Italy from friends who have visited all over the world... "the sauces are to die for"......"the life is so...European!"..." there is no other place like it!....Basically, as I understand it, it's the Bees Knees....I thought I would start collecting my money and interesting facts and set a goal of going on a real honeymoon next year in June. I'm investigating golf courses in the local area to visit so that I really make it the Bees Knees.....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Tool #3

The photo of a sunflower at the end of the blog page is an original photo by AF-Photography. The photo of a windmill and the surrounding clouds is by By Lauryz (Laura Cortés). The two image generators/mashups i used were Image Chef and Big Huge Labs. I can easily imagine a few project in which I would have students connect their thoughts and research about Earth(science) including images they either download from the computer or take on their own and apply it what they envision the Earth to be like when they are in their 40's. I also envision a planetary science project complete with a mosaic image of planetary images with explainations as to what the pictures are, and what they mean. Also this is an opportunity to show off new skills with cameras, etc... see the photo by gadl (Alexandre Duret-Lutz).

Tool #2

Why is my neighbor wasting her time on Facebook? I always thought she just had a lot of free time to hang out on the web..now, I'm beginning to see the importance of it. I'm learning a lot and conversing with others I would normally not. It's does make the world feel smaller- but in a good way. I think this connection helps to bring answers to my questions faster, helps me to think about things in ways that I might not have thought up on my own, and then of course with any good tool, makes me think of more ideas, and questions...I'm growing in leaps and bounds! Maybe I'll join my neighbor on Facebook...or maybe I'll just see her in person tomorrow....

Monday, July 5, 2010

Tool #1

Wow! I loved skipping around the site and composing my blog!

Welcome- Syllabus & Parent Letter

Welcome- First homework assignment is:
1. Read and sign syllabus (Parent also signs)
2. Read and sign parent letter (Parent also signs)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hello one and all! Welcome and thank you for visiting my site! I hope you enjoy your stay and if you find anything on this site that you have a question or comment about, please let me know. Have fun, learn, and live a little.......